When a police constable, Nick Bentley, is shot by drug dealers while on foot patrol it seems like a pretty straightforward case. Brooks and Devlin eventually locate a witness who identifies one of the parties to the drug transaction and he finally tells the police what really happened. The witness also tells them something else: she saw another police constable standing in the ...
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类型:动画 地区:法国
主演:Tatyana Ostap,Aleksandra Teryaeva,阿·叶·索科洛夫,特·亚·奥斯塔普,德·布·西蒙年科,斯·阿·格拉德涅娃,叶·格·马尔采娃,阿·阿·捷里亚耶娃,勒·普·科列斯尼科娃,勒·姆·卡扎科娃,伊·格·瑟索延科,奥·伊·博伊科,尤·弗·罗戈列夫,伊·姆·奥梅利科夫,弗叶·贡恰鲁克,德·伊·伊夫金,安娜·捷尼拉洛娃,尤·勒·叶戈罗夫,克·恩·库奇金,叶·弗·瓦尔茨